Welcome to The Privacy Cloud!

Hi everyone! My name is Monique, and I am a writer, gamer, and introvert. Originally, I started this newsletter as an extension of my blog. Now, I am turning it into a place where I inform and engage readers on how to protect their online privacy.

I have been on an adventure to better guard my privacy for a few years now, and I would like to share my knowledge with others. On Wednesday’s, I will release a newsletter featuring insights, strategies, and viewpoints related to it. I will also release a news roundup, which will contain privacy-related news that I found throughout that month.

If you want to join me on this journey, you can subscribe for free, and together, we will be on a path to better protect and respect our privacy!

Where you can find me:


LinkedIn πŸ–‡οΈ

Bluesky πŸ¦‹

Subscribe to The Privacy Cloud πŸ”β˜οΈ

A weekly newsletter about online privacy and how to better protect it


Author of The Privacy Cloud. If you want information on how to protect online privacy, subscribe for free. | I am also a Introvert, Gamer, and Freelance Writer